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Angel Dear Animal Lovie FAQs

1. What is lovie?

Lovie is known as a security blanket or any comfort objects for a baby or toddler which provides comfort, relieves anxiety and brings them to a good sleep.

2. When to introduce lovie?

The best time to introduce a lovie is somewhere between 4 and 6 months.

3. How to select a lovie?

The best lovies are not too big and don’t make any noise that could wake or distract your baby – no rattles or scrunchy bits.

4. How to introduce lovie?

  • (a) Make your lovie smell like Mama

Mummy can use the lovie against her skin for few hours or so before give it to your baby for the first time.

  • (b) Keep the lovie for sleep

To make your baby’s lovie a special comfort object and not just another toy, it’s important to reserve the lovie for sleep. You can make the lovie a part of your baby’s nighttime or nap routine if you choose, otherwise it should stay in the crib or wherever your baby sleeps.

Once the lovie is a constant in your baby’s sleep routine, it can make transitions like travel or learning a new skill a little easier.

  • (c) Baby lovie backup

If you can, have a spare lovie in case of emergency. Swap and wash the two regularly so your baby can’t tell the difference.

  • (d) Give it time

It may take a while for your baby to love their lovey, and that’s okay. “Over the course of a few weeks, they will start to find their lovey and use it in a way that’s unique to them”

5. How can I get her to "quit" her lovie habit?

Don’t expect or pressure him to give it up any time soon. Research suggests that a lovey can help your child deal with strangers and may enhance her learning in new settings. Besides, trying to deny or limit its use might make her want it even more. Your child will probably begin to give it up sometime between ages 3 and 5. For now, let her enjoy the comfort of her "first friend," and make the most of this adorable childhood ritual.

1. 什么是安抚巾


2. 安抚巾和安抚奶嘴有何不同


3. 抚巾为何能帮助宝宝入睡


4. 安抚巾什么时候可以引入


5. 安抚巾如何引入

  • 建议妈妈可以放在身上,让安抚巾有妈妈的味道,再将安抚巾给小宝宝。小宝宝会认妈妈的味道,有安抚巾的陪伴会让宝宝觉得安全和舒适,帮助宝宝学习自我安抚和入睡。但注意不要滴母乳上去哦,不卫生。
  • 在宝宝可以用手抓握东西之前,把安抚巾放在宝宝身边就好了,宝宝会慢慢习惯身边有这个亲密的小物件的。
  • 让安抚巾成为睡前程序的一部分。比如,用安抚巾拟人化地跟宝宝说话:亲爱的宝宝,我们一起来睡觉吧;妈妈亲亲宝宝,亲亲安抚巾,道晚安。
  • 对于6个月以下的宝宝,因为手部运动的发展还没有特别灵活,建议妈妈在宝宝身边陪伴,如果宝宝安抚巾扔到够不着的位置,可以帮捡回来;如果担心宝宝把安抚巾放到脸上,就帮宝宝拿开。等宝宝睡着了,再拿走放在一边。 或者,使用带视频的婴儿监控器,进行监控。

6. 安抚巾怎么清洗


7. 安抚巾应该待在哪里


8. 抚巾会影响宝宝独立吗
